Welcome to Media Elche - Gran Premio Jainser

Your choice: 21k o 10k

Next Edition


March 2026 – 9:00h


Edition number 53 · Day to be annouced soon


We will have 2 distances: our historic 21’097m and a 10Km race


Both distances will be supervised by the judges of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation

MARCH 2026 · 9:00h

Start and finish line  from the center of Elche, covering the entire city and part of the historic Palm Grove, a World Heritage Site.


21.097 m

Start and finish line  from the center of Elche

covering the entire city and part of the historic Palm Grove, a World Heritage Site.


10.000 m

Start and finish line  from the center of Elche

It runs through the southern part of the city, with the same route as the initial 10km of the Half Marathon


Our history dates back to 1964 when Manuel Jaen, who was the person in charge of Elche athletics at that time, wanted to organize a marathon race in the city of palm trees.

Due to the difficulties that a competition of these characteristics entailed, Manuel thought that it might be a good idea to contest the test in two stages, running just half, 21km and 97 meters, on two consecutive Sundays.

After thinking a lot about how this event would be organized on two different weekends, the idea was finally discarded and it was decided to compete only one weekend, but maintaining the idea of 21km and 97 meters.

A mythical distance was born: the Half Marathon, whose first edition was held on the first Sunday of April 1968 with the victory of José Sempere Quesada.


Our 2,000-year-old city offers much more than travelers often expect.

.Three assets registered in the different categories of UNESCO World Heritage, the Historic Palm Grove, the Misteri d'Elx and the Pusol Museum.

Our beaches, natural spaces, culture, gastronomy, festivals, shopping and a wide range of leisure activities make it a unique destination in the Mediterranean.